Greatest Tex-Mex Appetizers of All Time

Posted in Food and Fun

hot sauce

When we think about Tex-Mex, we tend to focus on entrées, dinner platters, drinks and even desserts (sopapillas, anyone?). Far too often, appetizers get pushed into the background, cast aside as if they’re not valuable players in this category of cuisine. Well, no more! Today’s post will be all about appetizers. Here are four options that prove that the only …

The Best Twists on Margaritas

Posted in Food and Fun


Is there any beverage that screams Tex-Mex louder than a margarita? Whether your preference is frozen or on the rocks, salt or no salt, by the glass or by the pitcher, there’s just something about a margarita that makes great food taste even better. But just because traditional margaritas are delectable doesn’t mean that they can’t be improved upon, and …

The Hottest Hot Sauces

Posted in Food and Fun


Chile peppers are part and parcel of Tex-Mex cooking, and some naturally have more of a kick than others. Some Tex-Mex lovers, however, really like the hot stuff, and add hot sauce to their Tex-Mex to really spice things up. And that’s fine, because spiciness is what makes Tex-Mex great.

3 Highly Annoying Habits of Lovers of Tex-Mex

Posted in Food and Fun

tex mex dinner

We begin with a little story. Al lives in Michigan. He was born and raised there. He likes Mexican food, but he eats it just now and then. He likes Mexican just as he likes many other kinds of food. A little further south we have Al’s good friend Ted, whom Al has known since college. Ted lives in Dallas. …