The way to eat more Tex-Mex in 2017 is to mix things up. Get some variety into your Tex-Mex menu by trying new versions of old favorites and experimenting with different dishes. And don’t just stick to the main course. Try out different Tex-Mex soups, salads, appetizers and desserts.
3 Pieces of Tex-Mex Wisdom to Help You in 2017
There are certain things that every wise Tex-Mex lover knows about how to eat Tex-Mex. It is a wisdom that comes from long experience, from cooking many Tex-Mex meals and visiting many Tex-Mex restaurants. Here is a little bit of that wisdom to help you along in the New Year.
December 3 is National Apple Pie Day: Tex-Mex Apple Pies
You can’t get more American than apple pie. But if you are looking for something a little different to celebrate National Apple Pie Day on December 3, you can try a Tex-Mex version of this American staple. It’s just as delicious as the ones grandma used to make.
We Give Thanks
This is the time of year for giving thanks, and we at Mattito’s have a lot to be thankful for. Here is a short list of some of the things for which we are grateful.
November 6 is National Nachos Day: Some Great Recipes
In case you didn’t know, November 6 is a very important day for Tex-Mex food lovers everywhere. It is National Nachos Day! And who doesn’t love nachos? Even the President of the United States is a nachos lover. He says that if you put a plate of nachos in front of him, he would eat them until guacamole is coming …
3 Highly Annoying Habits of Lovers of Tex-Mex
We begin with a little story. Al lives in Michigan. He was born and raised there. He likes Mexican food, but he eats it just now and then. He likes Mexican just as he likes many other kinds of food. A little further south we have Al’s good friend Ted, whom Al has known since college. Ted lives in Dallas. …
Hold a Day of the Dead Celebration
The Day of the Dead is a big holiday in Mexico. And even though it is called Day of the Dead, it is really a celebration of life. It is a celebration and homage to the memory of loved ones who have died. It is actually celebrated over two days. November 1st is known as Day of the Innocents, to …
A Short History of the Taco in America
Tacos have become so popular they now rival the hamburger as one of America’s most popular food staples. That’s right, more and more Americans are trading in their buns for shells and getting their protein fix south of the border style. So how did this small meal of beef, beans, chicken, or fish, topped with shredded cheese, lettuce and …
September 29 is National Coffee Day: Two Great Mexican Coffee Recipes
Mexico is a big coffee growing country. In fact, it is the largest producer of organic coffee, producing 60 percent of all organic coffee grown in the world. Coffee export is a big money maker for Mexico. The country did not begin growing coffee until the late 1700s, when the Spanish brought plants from Cuba and the Dominican Republic. They …
The Perfect Enchilada Recipe
Enchiladas are among the most well-known of Mexican foods. The practice of rolling a tortilla around a filling is said to have begun way back in the time of the Mayans. Today, there are many different kinds of enchiladas with different fillings. Here is an enchilada recipe from Ree Drummond on Here’s what you will need.
4 Fun Facts You Never Knew About Tex-Mex Food
Like many great cuisines, Tex-Mex has an interesting history. There are many facts about Tex-Mex food that may surprise you because, like most things, Tex -Mex and the way it has been prepared has changed over many years. Here are a few interesting, fun facts about Tex-Mex that you may not know.
August 31 is Eat Outside Day: Ideas for a Tex-Mex Barbecue
It’s summertime. And that means outdoor barbecue. In fact, to commemorate the universally loved outdoor barbecue, August 31st has been named Eat Outside Day. And what better way to eat outside in celebration than with a Tex-Mex barbecue. If you are looking for a few ideas on what dishes to make, read on. Skirt steak fajitas. Whoever invented this dish, …