When you think of Tex-Mex cuisine, you undoubtedly think of tacos, fajitas, burritos, and other main dishes that showcase steak, ground or shredded beef and pork. And while meat certainly adds great flavor and gusto to Tex-Mex dishes, Tex-Mex also moves easily to vegetarian. Take a look below for two easy vegetarian Tex-Mex recipes. Use Shredded Hearts of Palms for …
Make Tex Mex Food Even Healthier
If you believe that Tex Mex food is unhealthy – all that cheese, all that beef, all those tortilla chips! – it’s time to modify that opinion:
Make the Ultimate Margarita
They may not be true Mexican drinks, but thank goodness someone north of the border invented the margarita – so refreshing on a broiling day, so tasty! In order to make sure you serve up the ultimate margarita, begin with the tequila. This is the main ingredient and so you need to pay the most attention to the tequila.
Making the Perfect Fajita
Fajitas are not traditional Mexican food – they’re a modern creation, a delicious modern creation. Served sizzling hot, these dishes actually can be healthy (so long as you use a lean cut of beef). Take a look below at a recipe we believe can lead to the perfect fajita.
A Glossary of Tex Mex Foods
We’ve put together a little glossary/dictionary of common and popular Tex Mex foods and words. Please understand that this is just a small sampling of the many different types of Tex Mex foods and dishes. A short Tex Mex glossary/dictionary for you!
How to Make the Perfect Guacamole
Sure, guacamole has a lot of calories. But so does just about all other chip dips. But guacamole also provides you with a ton of heart-healthy fats via its main ingredient, the avocado. Avocados have a lot of the good-for-you monounsaturated fat within them. Many people believe an avocado is a vegetable, but it’s really a fruit, a fruit that …
Tex Mex Food from A to Z
Let’s have a bit of fun: read below for Tex Mex food from A to Z. A. Avocado. So delicious. So good for you (lots of healthy fats). Slice some and place them in your tacos. Or whip up a great guacamole dip for your tortillas. B. Beans. Whether they’re black, refried or pinto, beans are an important ingredient in …
5 Reasons to Eat Tex Mex Food at Least Once a Week
If you’re a fan of Tex Mex food we probably don’t have to convince you that it’s a good idea to eat it at least once a week But what if you’re new to this delicious cuisine? Or what if you’ve heard that it’s very fattening and not good for you (all that cheese and beef!)? But Tex Mex food …
Little Known Facts About Tex-Mex Food
Let’s say you eat Tex-Mex food fairly often (we know your name here at Mattito’s, for example). So you’re pretty well versed in all things related to Tex-Mex. You consider yourself something of a Tex-Mex connoisseur. Let’s have a bit of fun and test your knowledge of Tex-Mex cuisine with some little-known facts about Tex-Mex food, below. How well do …
Great Dish Ideas for Your Cinco de Mayo Party
Getting ready to host a Cinco de Mayo party at your home this year? Read below for some dish ideas to serve as you host a great party honoring Mexico’s victory in 1862 against France in the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexico War. (Note that Cinco de Mayo is a rather minor holiday in Mexico itself; it’s evolved in …
5 Reasons Why Tex Mex Will Always be Popular
Do you think Tex Mex cuisine someday will wan in popularity? We sure don’t! Here are five reasons why Tex Mex food will always be popular: Tex Mex aficionados know that this cuisine is not only delicious, but also good for you. The dishes tend to have a lot of minerals and vitamins within them (so many vegetables!), and so …
Why It’s Romantic to Eat at Mattito’s for Valentine’s Day
Many people might not put “romance” and “Tex Mex food” in the same sentence. They should. Mexico – and the Tex Mex food that evolved from it – is one of the most romantic of countries. Here are a few reasons why: